Spacescape was started by S. Sashikanth and Rajani Sashikanth in the year 2000
The firm has a strong sense of time in terms of artistic sensibilities, which is to be as contemporary as possible. It tries to reflect the times we live, in terms of the design approach, content, materials used etc. Every aspect of the design program is bound by these factors. All these various aspects have been very intentionally inter woven with the everyday practice, to give a sense of what needs to be achieved in terms of a design program. The firm always tries to understand its own standards of excellence and sets its own goals.
The other aspect of the design process that the company strives to excel and can be proud of is the ability to solve the functional aspects of the system. In our practice we have been able to solve the functional requirements and have successfully fitted them into relatively small areas. We have been able to give cost effectve design solutions without compromising the functional and the aesthetics content of the project.
Ar. Sashikanth
Principal Architect
Ar. Rajani Sashikanth
Principal Architect
Ar. Srinivasan Rajavelu
Associate Architect
Indian Architects & Builders
Awards Young Architect of the year ‘2003’ – IA & B
Indian Institute of Interior Designers
Young Designer of the year ‘2005’ – IIID
National Competition - IA & B
Short listed Finalist for the ‘Notion of the nation’
Nerolac Style Icon of The year
Best Architect of the year (residence ‘2007’)
The Indian Institute of Interior Designers IID-MK
Best Young Designer of the year
pachiappas Educational trust
Winning entry of the year – Auditorium complex design